Thursday, November 8, 2012

Poison dart

Made the first "007" dart for my James Bond pistol.

I used four shashlik pins for the shaft. Sawed off the syringe thumb rest and glued in the four wooden pins. Looks good, fits well, seems to work! Have to do some tests soon.

2 ml is a lot of liquid... proper poison that is effective at that volume would not be hard to find. I'll test it with cherry juice, of course!


  1. Wow! That's really cool. Smart too.
    /Hubert - DrDoomic

  2. I saw something similar in Michael Janich's book “Blowguns the breath of death” , I always wanted to try this, but never did. Your implementation looks much more powerful (since it relays on rubber propulsion) and I believe it can inject all 2 ml with no problem. Strong rubber will give it excellent forward momentum. And for the poison, with that amount of liquid, as you stated, you have a plenty of options to choose from.
